The courses listed below are studies that Accelerated Institute of Ministry offers.
Courses offered
12 keys to an effective church
This new course is designed to assist the pastor as well as laity in understanding what makes a successful church tick. Great practical ideas are presented to assist you in developing a healthy church. This study is in the Ordination Study Series.
13 keys to understanding the end times
This course is an elective study of the end times with an overview of the events of the future. from the rapture of the church to the eternal state. Current events are looked at in the view of Bible prophecy.
21 irrefutable laws of leadership
This classic by John Maxwell shares 21 laws that enable a minister to have success. This study is in the Ordination Study Series.
33 laws of stewardship
33 Laws of Stewardship discusses the importance of stewardship and how to teach it as well as practical financial tips for improving the minister's personal stewardship. This course is in the Ordination Study Series.
7 secrets of successful families
This course deals with truths that strengthen a marriage and will enable the minister to direct people in marriage issues as well as strengthen their own marriage. This course is in the License Study Series.
apologetics * available online
Apologetics provides a foundation for the believer to give proof of the existence of God using the acronym C-R-I-M-E-S and proof the the New Testament is a reliable source of history. This course is in the License Study Series.
basic bible truth
Basic Bible Truth outlines the tenants of the Pentecostal Church of God and gives a Biblical foundation for what we believe. It is in the Exhorter's Study Series.
basic homiletical studies
Basic Homilietical Studies is a basic course in sermon preparation and is in the Exhorter's Study Series.
basics of ministry
Basics of Ministry deals with the foundations of everyday ministry such as funerals, weddings, water baptisms, communion, crisis counseling, etc. and is in the License Study Series.
becoming a contagious christian
This course is designed to aid the believer in having an effective witness for Christ. This course is part of the Exhorters Study Series.
preaching 101
* available online
This course presents practical ways to improve a minister or teacher's public presentation in the areas of the title, introduction, effective illustrations and the close of the message. This course is in the License Study Series.
ministerial ethics
Ministerial Ethics provides a Biblical foundation for contemporary ethical issues such as Abortion, Homosexuality, Euthanasia, Divorce, etc. and is in the License Study Series.
new testament survey *available online
New Testament Survey deals with portrait of Christ from the four writers as well as the early history of the church and the letters written by Paul, Peter, and John. This course is in the Exhorters Study Series.
old testament survey 1
This course covers the writings of Moses concerning the law and the early part of the Jewish history. This course is in the Exhorter's Study Series.
old testament survey 2
This course covers the books of poetry of the Old Testament and the writings of the Jewish prophets. This course is in the Exhorter's Study Series.
pastors at greater risk *available online
Pastors at Greater Risk points out the danger areas of ministry and practical ways the minister can keep their ministry above board. This course is in the Ordination Study Series.
spirit centered counseling
This course provides a tool for the minister to direct anointed guidance for those who need it in the areas of marriage, finance, etc. This course is in the Ordination Study Series.
spiritual leadership
Spiritual Leadership is a study in the Ordination Series that enables the church leader to lead a congregation to spiritual health.
the book of acts
This exciting course is about the beginning of the early church with a look at the bridge between the Gospels and the Epistles. It will give the student a good grasp on the history and working of the early church. Acts is in the License Study Series.
what the bible says about the holy spirit
This course is about the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. It covers the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit and His work within the church. This course is in the Exhorter's Study Series.